DC-1 and LIV-C Back in Stock|Get Free Shipping When You Spend $75 or More

DC-1 and LIV-C Back in Stock|Get Free Shipping When You Spend $75 or More

HSU & CO. Para-Min Package


Worms can be obtained from pets, going barefoot, eating raw vegetables, shaking hands with people who have pets, picking flowers, drinking tap water, eating beef and pork and fish and fowl....and many other ways.

DIA-MIN is helpful because tapeworms cling to the intestinal walls. As bowel material moves along, it passes the worms. DIA-MIN shreds the worms, destroying them. DC-1 is an effective digestive cleanser that flushes them out via the stool. Finish one bottle of each.

How does DC-1 work?

HSU & CO.'s DC-1 mixed herbs naturally accelerate internal cleansing of the large intestine. Old toxic fecal matter and encrustations including mucus, begin to break loose, thereafter increasing peristalsis and water assimilation. Use this formula until the colon is clean and performing normally.

What is Dia-Min?

DIA-MIN is made from natural diatomaceous earth and natural untreated soft rock phosphate. DIA-MIN and worms are enemies. The diatomaceous earth acts like ground glass and cuts the segments and eggs that are released, as well as damaging the worm itself, causing it to let go. Worms finding themselves surrounded by DIA-MIN move out. Worms cause anyone to be more susceptible to diseases, and have been said to cause overweight and underweight problems. Statistics show that in certain areas more than 90% of the people have worms.

DIA-MIN works in the intestines. Worms are obtained from pets, going barefooted, eating raw, unwashed vegetables, shaking hands with people who have pets, picking flowers, and many other ways. The second, third and fourth day after taking DIA-MIN, when lots of worms are present, there is a tendency for most people to feel below par, and some folks have been accused of "getting up on the wrong side of the bed." This is a sure sign that DIA-MIN was needed.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.