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DC-1 and LIV-C Back in Stock|Get Free Shipping When You Spend $75 or More

HSU & CO. Cod Liver Oil


HSU & CO. Cod Liver Oil is a naturally rich source of Vitamins A and D that helps support daily health.

To prevent the tragedy of the degenerative disease called osteoporosis from striking a growing number of victims, doctors are recommending higher levels of calcium. But despite an increased intake of calcium, many still fail to experience improvement. This can stem from an inability to properly assimilate calcium from common sources.

It is a known fact that calcium is better assimilated in the presence of vitamin D. This vitamin is most commonly found in sunlight and cod liver oil. Vitamin D aids in maintaining the proper balance between calcium and its counterpart phosphorus. Improper calcium and phosphorus levels can lead to arthritis, osteoporosis, and circulatory problems. The cod liver oil works as a lubricant to alleviate stiffness and pain in joints.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.